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Monday, June 29, 2009

Roswell (What the Hell) New Mexico

I was super excited to finally get to see Roswell after all the hype from RJ and the kids. We got there, parked right in front of the International Space Alien Museum and I payed the $5 per adult entrance fee for me and Renae (cuz I was the one that wanted to go). What a tremendously stupendously disappointment for me. I'm not sure what I was expecting but what I got wasn't that, I wanted my 10 dollars back. Newspaper clippings and paper mache didn't hit it. So I spent 30 dollars in the gift store buying alien lolly pops for the kids and a bunch of crap I really didn't need.

So then we walked up and down the street looking for possible space aliens and a good place to eat. Nope either of those appeared. So we walked back to the car and ate at Applebee's. Another disappointment. There water tasted like it was from Mars. The waitress took our order while smacking gum and I had to go to the bartender (yes just like Beaujo's) to get different drinks. We left a .70 cent tip and ran (literally) from Applebee's fearing that the waitress would chase us down and throw the tip on the car like Idaho Springs. We were laughing the entire way to the gas station. At least it wasn't 110 degrees like it was in Texas, it was only 92.

I did get to see a tarantula crossing the road. We turned a U'y and tried to get back to take pictures but it had already gone. On the trip from Texas to Sante Fe (where we stayed the night) we saw: antelope, hawks, deer, tarantula, two suicidal birds that nearly hit the windshield, ground squirels, 2 Penske trucks (Renae's traveling good luck charm, a snake, and a couple of other animals that I can't recall now.

Things we didn't see: Area 51, alien life forms, space ships, good service, good water, and open stores.

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