Well the Jingle Bell 5K was really a last minute thought considering we normally register for our events at least 5 weeks ahead of time. This one we registered 4 days before the run. We decided to have the kids run with us since Kaleb is always saying he likes to run. We kept the kids overnight on Friday and got up bright and early (seems like they get up before 7 am now instead of sleeping in until 8 or 9 like their parents). So we got all ready to go and dressed in layers since the forcast was for 40 degrees but it was overcast so a little bit chilly.
We took two separate cars as Renae wanted to go do stuff after the run and I had other stuff I needed to do. So I got to the park first and picked up our packets. The Byrds were 215, 216 and 217. I was 227 and Kaleb couldn't understand why I wasn't 214 or 218. We sat in the car and put on numbers and the jingle bells that came in the packet. About 7 min before the race start we got out and listened to the instructions for the run and then lined up. Kaleb would be running with me and Katie with Renae.
When the horn went off I talked with Kaleb about pacing ourselves and what that meant. Meanwhile Katie thought she needed to keep up with the front runners and so running was struggling to keep up with her. Luckily she is 5 and was only able to hold that pace for less than a 1/4 mile. Kaleb kept asking why Katie was running so fast and I told him not to worry because she will be walking shortly and we will pass her. No sooner did I say that then Katie turned around while running and then fell and hit her head (I am sorry but it made me giggle). We passed by Katie and Renae and Kaleb turned around as if showing off to Katie and ran backwards (again that made me giggle).
I had Kaleb run with Katie and Renae so I could get a couple of pictures of them running together. Kaleb and I then headed off and Katie and Renae kept up with us for about 1/2 mile before they really dropped back. Kaleb talked about running and school. After about a mile into the 5K we started passing a few walkers and that got Kaleb excited again. However, he was running in brand new shoes that we had just purchased the night before and so he was saying his feet were hurting. I put him on my back for about 150 yards and ran with him on my back. Once he was back down running he did alright. We passed a couple of more people so now each time Kaleb had to stop running and walk he would look behind to make sure the people we passed weren't going to pass us. If he thought they were then we would start running again.
Around 2 1/4 miles through Kaleb started saying his feet were hurting again and we had just passed another run/walker. Once we reached the top of the softball fields I bent down and he jumped on my back again. I ran another 150 yards or so with him on my back and then put him back down. I timed our next walk so that we could sprint to the finish. We finished in 40m40s. We waited and yelled for Katie and Renae and they finished about 5 min after us. Amazingly they were not last there were a couple more walkers that finished after they did.
I stayed around for the raffle. And won the very last prize a pair of XS Pearl Izumi running shorts which couldn't be exchanged at the the Bike Shop. So Merry Christmas Christina.
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