Renae holding my 2nd cousin Charlotte.
Matthew and Charlotte
The fam. Grandma Fuller, me, Andrew holding Charlotte, Linda, Uncle Kirk, Aunt Debbie, and Matthew.
Andrew reading to Charlotte
After finishing with Exploration Place, Renae and I got on the road and headed to El Dorado and dropped some luggage off at Grandma Fuller's. I had contacted Matthew (cousin) several months ago and asked if we could crash their Christmas day in Kansas City. It has been 4 years or more since I've seen that side of the family and thought it would be fun to surprise Aunt Debbie and Uncle Kirk. We then headed towards Kansas City on the turnpike, we got off at Emporia and headed down I35. It had started snowing pretty good around the east El Dorado exit, but the temps were still above 32. By the time we reached Emporia it was 29 degrees so the roads started getting slick. We saw a really bad accident as we were headed out of Emporia. We decided to stop in Ottawa instead of going all the way into Belton, MO where we had a reservation, but the roads were really to slick to continue safely. We got back on the road around 0830 and got to Belton around 0930 were we stopped and got some more gift cards and checked with the hotel because their phones had not been working due to the storm that had gone through.
We got out to Uncle Kirk's and Aunt Debbie's and Matthew opened the door. Everyone was surprised that we were there. Aunt Debbie started crying and Grandma said "Oh my word". We watched everyone open their presents and we held Matthew and Linda's little one Charlotte. Everyone helped cook lunch which we had around 230pm and we sat around and talked. It was a lot of fun. Good belly laughs. My cousin Andrew is getting married next November, hopefully we will be able to make it.
I'm glad that you guys had a good time in Kansas!! The little girl is so cute. Hope you guys have a good new years!!
She is a cutie. Hope you had a good New Years too! We'll be back in Junction on the 1st.
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