Renae's youngest son Roby called and said he could go hiking, so after work Roby, Katie, and Kaleb (Renae's grandchildren) came over to the house. We 3 adults, 2 children (in car seats) and three dogs piled into Renae's Outback and stopped by KFC then headed out to Fruita. I must say it was an adventure from the start with a car full. When we got to the trailhead we ate our KFC first, Bandit and Zeus got into a brawl in the back of the car (ending with Bandit falling out of the car and a minor cut to his lip), and off we went. But not to far because Katie indicated she had to pee and then saw the outhouse and then had to poop (apparently the outhouse, porta potty is somehow seen as a fun place to be by a three year old). We all laughed and headed down the road again. The main trail in Devil's Canyon appears to be just that a graveled road. Being the adventurous sort that we are when we got to a trail divider we took the D4 trail. This was a pretty cool trail because it took you right up to the rock formations which the kids loved climbing into the "holes" in the rock and wanted nana Renae to take pictures of them. After looking at the map we picked up at the trail head we decided that to complete the entire loop (which looked to be about 5 miles) would be a bit to much for the kids so we blazed our own trail, careful not to step on fragile soil. This cut the loop in half and probably a little more. The kids enjoyed the rock formations, playing in the holes and jumping/hiking with Roby and Renae. It didn't rain on us although this girl from Kansas was looking at the clouds and thunderheads (Renae makes fun of this). It was a really fun hike, we spent maybe an hour actually hiking. There is only water at the beginning of the trailhead that I could tell. We will definitely head back and check out this area more. From this trailhead you can follow a trail over to the F1 trail at Pollock Bench. We only had a disposable camera so once the pictures are developed I will post pictures.
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