Christina and Spider-man.

Athena and the escalator.

LOL, I was reminded by my very good friend Stacy that I haven't updated my blog in a while. So I'm am going to give a brief synopsis of my life for the month of February 2011 as I have been somewhat busy. For those of you who don't know I've taken a job in Fairbanks Alaska and actually fly out on the 24th. Initially I am only taking 4 large suitcases and one carry on suitcase to live out of until sometime in May. In my gypsy-nomad nature I've been trying to give away, sell, or trash quite a bit of my stuff as well as say good-bye to new friends, rekindled friends, and enemies. If I were an outsider I would have probably talked to my self about these suicidal behaviors, lol, but that isn't the case I'm only moving.
LOL, I was reminded by my very good friend Stacy that I haven't updated my blog in a while. So I'm am going to give a brief synopsis of my life for the month of February 2011 as I have been somewhat busy. For those of you who don't know I've taken a job in Fairbanks Alaska and actually fly out on the 24th. Initially I am only taking 4 large suitcases and one carry on suitcase to live out of until sometime in May. In my gypsy-nomad nature I've been trying to give away, sell, or trash quite a bit of my stuff as well as say good-bye to new friends, rekindled friends, and enemies. If I were an outsider I would have probably talked to my self about these suicidal behaviors, lol, but that isn't the case I'm only moving.
I recently found my long lost best friend from high school on facebook and she amazingly enough lives in Colorado. So when I was traveling around I met with her in Fairplay and we spent several hours catching up on 20 years worth of stuff, life, and life changing events. As luck would have it though I never thought to pull out my camera and snap a couple of photos. Which I now regret, but what are you going to do.
That same weekend I also met with my friend Tarra who lives in Kansas but grew up in Colorado. She was in town for her nephew's birthday so I drove into Denver from Colorado Springs (took a Conceal Carry Weapon Class, that's right world I'm packing heat). I picked her up from her brother's apartment and we headed off in search of a record store so that I could sell some of my vinyl records that I have been toting around for nearly a decade. The store was downtown and I followed my phone GPS, sorta, to get there but then gave up totally and followed my instinct on how to get there. My instinct was much more adventurous than the damn GPS. Needless to say we found a parking spot downtown and set off to find the store but I forgot the records in car, so we decided to eat at Bubba Gumps instead. See the pictures above.
After this weekend I had two weeks before it would be time to head to Ohio to visit with my family. During these two weeks we met with the realtor to determine whether the house could be placed on the market, started packing some/most of my belongings into tubs and boxes, and have been trying to decide what belongings to put into the four suitcases and one carry-on. Let's say that the new pistols are in one of the suitcases. I bought a .45lc/.410 Taurus and a .45 ACP Springfield Armory. My bedroom is a mess because I've got clothes and crap all over trying to decide whether to keep, trash, or pack.
On Thursday Feb 10th Renae and I headed to Frisco to stay the night with RJ and Cheryl prior to going to the airport on Friday morning to head to Canton. We had fun playing dominos and had a great time. We got up early and got some Starbucks and headed to the Blue Moon for breakfast. (Side Bar: I've been having fun eating at places for the last time but have gained a couple pounds because of it.) We arrived at the airport and parked in the economy lot and managed to get on the shuttle and arrive at the terminal to check our bags. The baggage checking process is becoming such a burden anymore. We stood in this line to be redirected to that line to be redirected to another line. Our flight was to go from Denver to Chicago to Canton/Akron. Our flight from Chicago was delayed several hours because apparently the pilot refused to take the flight because it was not on time. So instead of 15-30 min late we were two hours late. Once we arrived in Canton we were informed that one of our bags was still in Chicago, great. Luckily it was the one with mostly the kids clothes but also our snowboarding boots and boarding pants.
So in the plans for the weekend with the kids was tubing at Brandywine hill and cross country skiing and snow shoeing at Quail Hollow near Canton. Aimery made it clear that he also NEEDED to go to Toys-R-us because Grandma Strange got them gift cards for Valentines Day. So Saturday rolled around and after getting our bags we were headed off to Brandywine for a three hour tubing session. It took us about 45 min to get there and the kids seemed pretty jazzed to go tubing. Once we got our tubes and on the escalator at which point Athena seemed a little timid about the loading and unloading process. After taking our first ride down the chute, Renae and I, spent some time encouraging the kids to try different chutes. Which eventually we made it up to chute 7 (they had 25 chutes).
After tubing we set out to find a Wendy's and encountered the smarty pants of Stow, OH. I had to figure out how to talk and think slowly. After the 15 min it took to order 4 meals we sat down to eat and then headed back to Canton. We found the Toys-R-us that Aimery NEEDED to go to. He was so funny picking out his gift, it was cute. Athena couldn't make a decision about what she needed vs what she wanted.
On Sunday we were to head out to Quail Hollow to rent some cross country skis and take the kids out for their first snow shoe experience. The rental process was a little chaotic but soon we were off. The snow was soooooo much different than the Colorado snow, but luckily I only fell once at it was on a down hill. We all had a great time and decided to head to the secret hill near their house and run down the tubing hill a couple of times.
After tubing on Sunday we headed back home and got ready for dinner. We ate at a Mexican place called El Ricon where the waiter kept calling me "chula" which we all became curious about. At first we thought he called me lula, bella, and various other names. When we left the place and headed to Borders, Jeff looked up on his phone what "chula" meant it was something like when a guy thinks a girl is sexy. After getting up off the floor from laughing I helped the kids pick out some books and we headed home. The kids read to me before going to bed. The next morning we walked the kids to school and headed to the airport.
So that is the last week of January and February to this point. I am now pulling hair out of my head trying to get ready to head to Alaska. I'm excited and scared to bejeebers.